James Island and Related Sites present a testimony to the main periods and facets of the encounter between Africa and Europe along the River Gambia, a continuum stretching from pre-colonial and pre-slavery times to independence. The site is particularly significant for its relation to the beginning of the slave trade and its abolition. It also documents early access to the interior of Africa.
Kunta Kinteh Island is a small island in the Gambia River which joins the Atlantic Ocean. Its location in the middle of the river made it a strategic place to control the waterway. Visited by explorers and merchants in their search for a sea route to India it became one of the first cultural exchange zones between Africa and Europe. By 1456 the Island had been acquired by Portugal from local rulers and the construction of a fort began.
You can ask for Jimmy at Barista Beach on Kotu beach or fill in the contact form (menu item 'Contact')
Je kunt naar Jimmy vragen bij Barista Beach aan Kotu Beach of vul het contact formulier in (menu item 'Contact')
Jimmy Muhamadou Barry
phone / WhatsApp: +220 778 0534
e-mail: jimmygambia86@gmail.com